Saturday, February 9, 2013

Acknowledgement - being a parent to a disabled IS hard

Sometimes when me or my wife complains about the hardship in being a parent to a disabled kid, our friends tells us something like "But it is hard for EVERY parent who has more than one kid!"

I guess that most time someone says a thing like this, it is with the very best intention. They want to comfort, to say something that plays it down. Make it less dramatic or less severe.

But I never take it that way. All I hear when someone says a thing like that is "Ok. He/She doesn´t know SHIT what we´re going through"
And then I feel a little ahshamed. I know the person means well. And things aren´t that bad.

(Actually, last week, when I picked the kids up from the daycare center, I thought:
 - What the heck, I have one perfectly healthy boy. What do I need another for? It´s better this way. Now I got to learn what a ride with a disabled kid could be like!
And I meant it too.)

But it was a great relief and a feeling of total acknowledgement when me and my wife went to a lecture in "How to talk to your kid about his or hers disability".

The lecturer said, in the very begining that we have a Increased Parental Responsability. So good to hear that from a person who is a professional. We already knew, of course. But sometimes it´s just good to hear something spoken out loud.


Today was a good day out in the Swedish winter!

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