Monday, February 4, 2013

V has a new hobby

V is developing a new hobby. When me and my wife cook or bake, V loves to help. This is something that we appreciate. V is happy and it works well, he seems to got the hang of the first elements of counting. We can tell him that we need three coups of flour and most of the times he stops at three.

Many sundays my wife bakes just because it´s the most fun thing to do together with V. Not because we need more cinnamon buns.

But hey! We always need more cinnamon buns!

The disfavor with V´s new hobby is that he has started out on his own. When I´m home alone with the kids and visit the restroom for more than two minutes he brings out the pans and pots and starts pouring spices, salt and sugar. Basically everything in small plastic bottles or glas jars, that he manages to open, is in danger.

We tell him to stop. Several times a day. But either he doesn´t care. Or either he doesn´t understand.

Right now we´re running low on salt and cinnamon. And my time at the restroom has shortened considerably.

At the same time... He´s darn cute when he does this!

1 comment:

  1. A few wasted spices are alright if it is a sign of V's progress!
