Tuesday, May 31, 2011

While we wait...

In the US Cars 2 will have premiere in june 18 but here in Sweden we´ll have to wait all through the summer - the highly anticipated film isn´t going to reach movie theaters here until august 5.
But let´s not waist the time being angry, sad or bored - let´s collect the new cars!
Here´s a brief schedule over the new (and old) caracters that are released as Die Cast so far:
Yes, that´s my collection so far.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rubber Tires - almost there!

As you can see in the right column down below, I have almost been able to collect all the Piston Cup Racers that has been released in the Rubber Tires-series.
Only two left - Easy Idle and Lil´Torquey.

From the original 36 Piston Cup Racers, 32 comes with Rubber Tires - as for now.

This summer, on the K-Mart Day Event, taking place on june 25th in the States - three of the four remaining cars will be released with Rubber Tires.
And for those of you who follows these kind of weird stuff on the internet, you won´t be in schock - the cars will be:
The King

Now, the only car that remains is Apple iCar. There is something about Apple and trademark/licence-money-advertiment-hollabalooo that keeps new Apple Cars impossible for now.

Peronally, I think that Apple is quite happy with the fact that only 1000 Apple iCars exist. It makes the cars exclusive, hard to find and expensive. It gives the cars an aura of legendary status - and I think Steve Jobs doesn´t mind.

Makes me wonder... How many Cars has Steve in his collection? All of them? Only one - The number 84 and that´s it?
But he most certainly must have the Elvis Truck? Or Todd The Pizza Truck?
Wow, the question is bigger than I first thought. Steve! Please post an answer down below!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sweden - the new Switzerland?

Sweden and Switzerland are two different countries. Yes. It is true. I live in Sweden. You´ll have to take my word for it. I´m not made of chocolate and cheese and have 23 million Swiss Francs secretly hidden away in some fancy bank in Zürich.
The last thing, I mean.

Because regardless from where in Europe you live, collecting Cars is a quite expensive hobby. Over here we have to pay about 120 kronor, that´s almost 19 US-dollar, for a single car.

When I read about sales on K-Mart where Lightning McQueens are thrown away for US$ 2,99 I almost concider emigration.

In Europe Switzerland is also known for being an expensive country. If you´ve been on a vacation to the Alps, and people ask you in which country you´ve been... well if the answer is Switzerland people know that you are well off.

But with the latest diecast Cars-prices running so damn high... I don´t know anymore. After more than 50 years of socialist-party-gowernment, we have now experienced right wing governance for two elections in a row. People have more money in shares per person than people in the US.

Mayby Sweden has become the new Switzerland?

But there are ways to go cheaper even here in Switz... I mean Sweden. We have our own version of E-bay: Tradera.

People are surprisingly early with the latest goods from US. I have been able to bid on new Cars 2-items for weeks (and I´ve bougth some too:)

The cheapest car I got from bidding on this site is Guido, I got him for about US$ 5 plus US$2 for shipping. So in the end, it´s almost twice the money you lucky bastards have to spend on a sale in America.

I have serious plans on a trip overseas just to get some cars. Just imagine travelling from Sweden with a large old fashioned suitecase.
Totally empty.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Going World Wide!

So I´m finally switching over to english.

Having read the facts and figures of my (very few) visitors I now have decided to skip my swedish for the greater good of mankind. Most of you, poor souls, who have found this site, is from the US or Europe.

So I try to write in english from now on. 

And I start with my first post, written in october 2010 - a late translation of the very subject of this blogg:




A disordered  hobby

The collection as it looks in September. Front row: Pittys, second row:  Piston Cup Racers with Synthetic Rubber Tires. Third row: a couple of Lightning with the golden Blu Ray-special in the middle. And the on and only hauler so far, Nitroade. They´ll have to wait, they steal so mych space! At the top to thel left: Milton Calypeer and Todd the Pizza Truck. And a Faux Wheel Drive from the Motor Speedway of the South-set!

I´ve always wanted to collect. But never had quite the patience or found the right objects.
I´ve tried with Tintin-figurines in plastic. It past quickly. I only managed to buy Tintin in a space suit with his dog. Then it all faded away.

Pretty cool, aren´t they? But I miss the space ship!

The I tried tiny soccer-players. I got to 20-something this time, and one is actually Henrik "Henke" Larsson in Celtic. And I got two  Zlatan Ibrahimovic, one from the Swedish squad and one from Juventus.
The he got transfered again and it took forever before a new one with Barcelona-colors were to be announced and I got kids and shifted commitment.
Larsson is nicely done but Ibra is hardly alike.Would still be a nice thing to get him with a Milan-shirt now but merely as a tribute-tjhing than an act of real collecting.

The only successful collection I ever made was the Donald Duck-paperbacks. I teenager-thing that covered one of my walls at home. From the first 200 issues that were released I got193 and at least 140 of the were in mint condition.

Then I moved and had no space left. When I sold the whole collection I didn´t get mcuh money, maybe 2 or 3 dollars a peace. Funny, I always thought that their value should rise.

But now I regret that I sold them. I got so little money and the sentimantal value ws bigger than I thought. It was a mission and I didn´t complete it!

So now I´ve found a new one.

Disney/Pixars Diecast-cars size1:55.
I love the aesthetics, I´ve always been a sucker for Disney-characters and Pixar-movies. Besides, it´s the Canadien company Mattel who designs the cars and they steam of great quality all through.

But there´s no kiddin´nobody: I collect toys. A gown man who buys things that are clerly meant for kids to play with. Only to place them into a cabinett to look on once in a while.
Had I seen myself now, as a kid, I´m sure I had called that person an idiot.

I will commit this blogg to psychoanalyze my collecting behaviour and enjoy my collecting.