Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Going World Wide!

So I´m finally switching over to english.

Having read the facts and figures of my (very few) visitors I now have decided to skip my swedish for the greater good of mankind. Most of you, poor souls, who have found this site, is from the US or Europe.

So I try to write in english from now on. 

And I start with my first post, written in october 2010 - a late translation of the very subject of this blogg:




A disordered  hobby

The collection as it looks in September. Front row: Pittys, second row:  Piston Cup Racers with Synthetic Rubber Tires. Third row: a couple of Lightning with the golden Blu Ray-special in the middle. And the on and only hauler so far, Nitroade. They´ll have to wait, they steal so mych space! At the top to thel left: Milton Calypeer and Todd the Pizza Truck. And a Faux Wheel Drive from the Motor Speedway of the South-set!

I´ve always wanted to collect. But never had quite the patience or found the right objects.
I´ve tried with Tintin-figurines in plastic. It past quickly. I only managed to buy Tintin in a space suit with his dog. Then it all faded away.

Pretty cool, aren´t they? But I miss the space ship!

The I tried tiny soccer-players. I got to 20-something this time, and one is actually Henrik "Henke" Larsson in Celtic. And I got two  Zlatan Ibrahimovic, one from the Swedish squad and one from Juventus.
The he got transfered again and it took forever before a new one with Barcelona-colors were to be announced and I got kids and shifted commitment.
Larsson is nicely done but Ibra is hardly alike.Would still be a nice thing to get him with a Milan-shirt now but merely as a tribute-tjhing than an act of real collecting.

The only successful collection I ever made was the Donald Duck-paperbacks. I teenager-thing that covered one of my walls at home. From the first 200 issues that were released I got193 and at least 140 of the were in mint condition.

Then I moved and had no space left. When I sold the whole collection I didn´t get mcuh money, maybe 2 or 3 dollars a peace. Funny, I always thought that their value should rise.

But now I regret that I sold them. I got so little money and the sentimantal value ws bigger than I thought. It was a mission and I didn´t complete it!

So now I´ve found a new one.

Disney/Pixars Diecast-cars size1:55.
I love the aesthetics, I´ve always been a sucker for Disney-characters and Pixar-movies. Besides, it´s the Canadien company Mattel who designs the cars and they steam of great quality all through.

But there´s no kiddin´nobody: I collect toys. A gown man who buys things that are clerly meant for kids to play with. Only to place them into a cabinett to look on once in a while.
Had I seen myself now, as a kid, I´m sure I had called that person an idiot.

I will commit this blogg to psychoanalyze my collecting behaviour and enjoy my collecting.

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