Writing here on the blog gives me an opportunity that is really amazing. Before the internet this mass communication, this international mass broadcasting was impossible.
It is quite a revolution we take part in, the information highway people spoke of back in 1995 is really here and it is really vast.
For me porsonally, this gives me direct acess to the thoughts and feelings of another dad, living in the US with lots of similarities to my life. He also collects cars, hides them in a garage and he also has two sons, one of them with a disability.
I am very happy that this blog helped him find me and sharing things with him on email is an important way for me to deal with things around my son V. And my son A, as well.
So when I started to write in English, it was the right decision. This blog has always had more traffic from the US than from Sweden (Yes, even when I wrote in Swedish!) and since V has such a rare disease my hopes to get to know someone with something that looks a tiny bit similar to what he has, well the hope is bigger in the US, right?
My English isn´t very good, not all the time, I know that. And it makes me write a bit more selldom due to the larger effort it takes to first think, then translate, and then write.
But nevertheless this blog was a success for me when people emailed me from different parts of the world and told me something about their own children. Or their own car collections...
And I have always liked to read and write. I read my first word when I was 3 (according to my mom) and I read Roninson Crouse, the second edition, when I was about 8. Old difficult language. But what a freedom it was to be able to absorb all the stories out there!
And now. The irony. A son with so little language of his own. V knows a few words but almost all of them is a syllable in repeat: MA-MA. PA-PA.
DI-DI, BA-BA (The last two is the names of two
Babblare - toys made to help kids develop their speach)
But just the other day V took a giant leap. Well, to us it was.
We always read to V and A before they go to sleep. Lately he like to hear about "Mamma Mu och Kråkan" - that is somthing like "Mummy Moo and the Crow" a very funny series of books about the jolly Mummy Moo and the grumpy Crow. And then I tried with V.
- Say Mam-ma muuuu!
- Ma-mmma-mma
- Ma-Ma Muuu!
- Ma-Ma....Ma!
And then...
- Ma... Ma... Moooo!
Clearly two different words! Together. In a sentence!
The very first sentence!
I really really think you should listen to this episode of RadioLab ath WNYC - it is about words: