One is called Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development (MPR) and it is used to evaluate childrens level of development.
One of the parts of this test is called Color Matching and there V did great.
From the picture above you can tell that it hasn´t always been the case, but the last year, colors has been one of V´s strenghts. He has learned all the signs for our 7-10 most common colors and it is a important factor when V describes an object. It is a blue bus. A red car.
Then he did the Snijder OOmen Non-Verbal Intelligence Test (SON-R) and as a complement Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-III).
Here V struggled a great deal. His age were estimated more of a 2,5 or a 3 year old kid. Patterns and puzzels where very hard for him to understand or copy.
Me and my wife also filled in a large number of pages in a test called Vineland-II where we estimated Vs abilities.
From the answers we could give it was clear that one area that V really performs well is "Abilities around home" And as you can see from these early pictures, this has been something that V has taken an interest in from an early stage.
All in all the psycologists recommend that V is given great support to start activities and to make the world around him easier to understand. Pictures is a good way to help him out and makes the day more predictable. He needs an adapt pedagogy and a clear support from an adult all the time.
This is thus one piece of information in the great enigma of our little son. Now 5 years and 1 months old. He speaks about 10 words (hello, mama, daddy, blue, boat, no, yes, bye bye) and signs some 30-50 different signs.