Monday, April 9, 2012

Team Dinoco in a new display

This is how the new plastic display box works IRL. Eventually i would change Giuseppe Motorosi, Franscesco´s Team Chief, to a Dinoco tool box. That way I could devote one display box to a single team.

Just imagine to have one box for each and every team! But the boxes aren´t exactly free. I paid something like $21 here in Sweden for this one. Even though all the teams shouldn´t fill up one box, only a few has three pittys, most teams consists of a race car, a chief and aonly one pitty, this would be a terrible cost....

However, the box is from Muji, it looks like you could order from here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That Dinoco blue looks amazing. That's a neat way to store your cars; it's too bad that's such an expensive case.
