Monday, September 24, 2012

Long Ge - now in a garage nearby!

I went shopping in my favourite flower/disney Pixar Diecast Cars-shop the other day. And in a pile of ordinary cars as Jeff Gorvette, Mater, Finn McMissile and Shu Todoroki - suddenly Long Ge appears!
I felt like Charlie when he finds the golden ticket to the chocolate factory!
Only, this time the ticket was expensive.

Superovanlig - Swedish for the Chinese signs in the green bubble to the top right. Or Super Chase Car - plain and simple. Long Ge is the second car to be released in this rare series. Only 4000 Flash and 4000 Long Ge has been made. The third car out is Vitaly Petrov (named by a Russian Formula One-driver)

56 USD - and now Long Ge has a new garage!


Goals reached:

35 out of 35 Rubber Tires Piston Cup Race Cars

100 % 

11 out of 11   Team Chiefs from Cars 1

100 %

Goals left:

80 %         

23 out of 28 Pittys from Cars 1 to collect - 5 left

10 out of 11 Rubber Tires World Grand Prix Race Cars
from Cars 2 to collect - 1 left

95 %

1 out of 10 Team Chiefs from Cars 2 to collect - 9 left

10 %

2 out of 6 Ultimate Chase Cars from Cars 2 to collect - 4 left
35 %