Sunday, September 2, 2012

More pics

The work continues - I´ve decieded to take photos of all my cars so I can watch them without sneeking out to the garage (the winters in Sweden are cooooold!)

And speaking of coooool - Santa is one of the coolest die casts ever. He´s not in the official movies but he appears in a X-mas special with Mater and McQueen. So collecting him isn´t what I supposed to do... but who can resist a car/sleigh like this?

Check out the rest of the pics here.


  1. Sweet, I just checked them out. Also, I just wanted to let you know that this week I got a car that I've been wanting for a long time...TODD! I knew it was a cool car, but to hold it in person is awesome! Every time I see it I think of you and your family. :)

  2. Wow! Yes, it´s my favourite - the "yo" on the rear first struck me as a typical thing Todd says but then I understood that the rest of the letters in tYOta had been torn off...
    Supercool - no wonder I chosed this one for my avatar! :)
    Put it on a nice spot. Maybe on something that rotates?
