Monday, February 25, 2013

Greetings from the Snowy North

I don´t know what weather you all´re having out there. But in Sweden it is still winter - and that means snow.
I live in the area close to Stockholm and we have a lot of it - and it´s been like this since November.

But yesterday we had a glimpse of heaven.

Don´t get me wrong, I like our winters and I like the snow. It´s great to see the kids excited when the first white powder fills the yard. And I love making snow balls and put them together in circles to form an igloo around a small candle - that is some magic light in the dark night!

But after having this cold and dark weather for over three months we´re longing for sunlight and the warming glow in your face. So this sunday when the sky was clear and we we´re sick of staying inside I got the family on a climbing expedition to a rocky shelf I´ve seen from the car.

It was great. We found a spot with a great mountain wall, well lit by the sun and nice to lean the back against. My wife had made some hot chocolate and we brought home made (My wife again, well assisted by V) cinnamon buns. We put the boys on a fur close to the rock and with a cup of chocolate and a bun in each hand the were more than pleased.

Got me a nice picture from it - new background on the iPad! (Then you all understand it was a nice pic, huh!)


  1. Sounds great. We rarely get snow here in Maryland. I shoveled one time this year so far and now the lillies are starting to grow.

  2. We haven't gotten much snow in Pennsylvania either - that is right north of Maryland a bit. I'd be fine with some snow, as compared to the freezing dry winter we've been having. I'd rather it be just cold or just mild, it's been up and down recently.
