Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lightning up the dark Swedish fall

We´ve been this before, but for all you new readers... well, someone could be new, right? So for all the newcomers: I collect kids toys, Mattels Disney Pixar Diecast cars in the size 1:55. I have two sons, but they don´t know about this. I hide the cars in our garage.

Yes. This is the insanity off this blog. I buy kids toys. And hide them from my own kids.

In two big cabinettes (document lockers):

 The first one is full. Looks like this:

The second cabinette is not so crowded but it´s getting there...
So I had to do something about the display. In a room with limited space you have to use the height somehow.

Have you ever heard about a swedish furniture company named IKEA? They sell this small piece of desktop organiser now:
If you take out all the drawers it will look something like this: (Note that this is the one with 12 drawers, but it´s so new that I couldn´t find any pics of it on the web)

Then I bought some small LED-light ramps (also on the same furniture company. No. I´m not paid for writing this. We swedes just go often to this place.) 

So now I got lights for my race cars from Cars 2:

And this is how the second cabinette looks right now. More of that Christmas feeling I wrote about last time!
The Lemons look sour in the right bottom corner. I have to do something about them to...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! How much was the display? We have IKEA's over here in the states too, I might do that with my collection as well!
