Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mini vacation in the snow

Cross-country skiing. New and fun for A! V´s quite happy with the ski poles.
We went north this weekend. In Sweden that means colder and more snow.
A tried som skiing for the first time. Cross-country style. It was a total success. He went on and on for over one kilometer on Friday and almost the same on Saturday.

I love to go skiing in the woods. And in Orsa, the place we visited, they got plenty of great tracks.
Me and my wife took turns with the kids so that we could have some alone-time in the tracks every day. Silence - air - nature. And good training too!

V isn´t quite ready for skiing yet but he tried the ski poles... And we went downhill on our Snowracers a lot, he really enjoys that. Snowracer, a english word that we in Sweden use for a special kind of bob sleigh with three runners, two in the back and one up front that you could manage with a steering wheel.
Almost every kid in Sweden has a Snowracer-experience they love to talk about...
We rented a cabin together with a friend of mine and his family. Four grown ups and four children. It was really good actually. The kids got along nicely and the cabin was large enough for the eight of us. I got a lot of energy from theese four days - but right now I´m home from my work because V caught a cold.

We have long winters, with short days and long dark nights in Sweden. It depresses a lot of people here, and I feel it too sometimes. But when you really take advantage of the snow and the special climate we have - it can be very amusing and rewarding.
If you can´t fight it - embrace it! :)

Damn... I sound a lot like my own parents!

Is that something that comes with kids? The echo of your parents in your own voice?

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Sounds like you guys had fun. I wish I was there, I have never been skiing! It sounds like fun.
