Tuesday, November 20, 2012

V cracks the Brio-code

One of the most classical toy manufactures in Sweden is Brio. High quality tree trains connected with magnets has been one of the most common toys during the last century here.

The railway can be put together in different styles and shapes, you have som basic parts as straights, curves and bridges and then some special parts as road crossings, cranes, bridges that can open and close, train ferry docks and stuff like that.

It´s easy to assemble. It´s like a very simple jigsaw puzzle. On every pice of track, one end has a hole, and the other has a "tag" that connects with the hole in the next piece.

Unless, of course, you have a brain disease.

V loves to play with the trains. He even has two motorized ones that he likes to watch as they go round and round on the track I´ve helped him build.

But until yesterday, V never could manage to put two pieces of track together. It just didn´t get through. Frustration. Screaming, and handling the pieces to me... I´ve tried to show him in many ways and as calm as I ever could be. But no.

Then suddenly. Yesterday. As he was playing with the track, all by himself:

And it wasn´t just one time. He connected four or five pieces. Something just clicked inside his head, I guess. Maybe they have done this att his daycare. I know they have it there too.

Anyway. It was great to watch him take this step.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Todd, what a great little victory for you and V!
